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Setup Twitch notifications



In order to enable the Twitch notifications at all, this step cannot be skipped as this is a prerequisite.
You have to set up the Global callback channel first.

Set the global channel

/settings twitch live

This is the global fallback channel.

If you want to use the clips function, set the global channel here too.
/settings twitch clips

These are the necessary channels to enable twitch notifications.


Add Users

/twitch user add
Optionally, you can overwrite the default notify channel via user.
/twitch user add user: channel:

Remove Users

/twitch user remove


Enable clips per user

/twitch clips enable

Enables the clips feature for that specific user.

Disable clips per user

/twitch clips disable

Disables the clips feature for that specific user.

Update Users

/twitch update

You can update existing users with this command.

Update channel

/twitch update channel

Lets you overwrite the default notification channel per user.

Update message

/twitch update message

Lets you overwrite the default message per user.

Update clips

/twitch update clips

Lets you overwrite the default clips channel per user.

Additional commands

You can find the rest of the commands here.

Disable notifications

/settings twitch disable

User list

/twitch list

Online user list

/twitch online

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